
The Sleep School

Personalized coaching to make insomnia a thing of the past. Permanently.

The Sleep School approach

Pauline Vaughan is a Masters level specialist in Clinical Psychology and Sleep Consultation and coaching. Her approach is to help you overcome anxiety and worry about insomnia through education and behavioural change so you are never troubled by insomnia again. The Sleep School approach is gentle and non-judgemental. Providing education about the science behind sleep and insomnia, the program also helps you learn how to find peaceful sleep as well as peaceful days beyond anxiety and Insomnia.

“Pauline helped me overcome years of insomnia. I was amazed at how quickly and thoroughly I learned to let go of old habits that were keeping me awake.”

— Sarah Greenwood ,CLIENT

Pauline's Journey From Insomnia

Why can’t I Sleep?

Get started with
The Sleep School today.